- winner in prizeing competition - winner in
prizeing charity competition
- winner (first place) by visitors voting - this picture
is in Top 10 of the best photos by visitors voting - winner (first
place) by Jury (or other person - sponsor, famous photographer, site owners
etc.) - this picture
is in Top 10 of the best photos by Jury (or other person - sponsor, famous
photographer, site owners etc.)
green border
– picture is on the "waiting" stage, so it is waiting for the Confirmation
from the Administrator of the program to participate in the competition; red border
– picture is rejected because it not corresponds the Rules of competition;
yellow border
- picture is overfilling the limits of this competition but can participate
in the next one rose border
– the picture goes directly on the Author page only (not in competition).
Do not forget check the box on uploading form..
Only the author could see borders if he enter the system using his login.
Visitors and users of photokonkurs.com can see only pictures accepted to
the competitions and pictures uploaded (marked) "To author page only".