(Having sent a work to our competition participants automatically
agree with the following rules and you will automatically get e-mails from
our site about new contests and results of previous contests. (You
can easy stop these mails by clicking on a link "unsubscribe"
in the mail with news.) )
About a site
The site www.photokonkurs.com holds regular
photographic competitions in various categories since 2004. For the time
being the site is in two languages - in Russian
and English
Rules of registration
For registration on our site press Register
on the main page.
Give both your correct e-mail and your real name and a surname, write
it in LATIN letters. If you write a wrong e-mail or a false name you will
not get a prize in case of a competition victory.
It is forbidden to show the same information on the fields "login", "name"
and "surname" - such recording won't be activated.
It is not allowed to change a name after the announcement of winners.
Give your real name at once please.
If you are known in the network by a nickname you can sign your works
with it but your real name has to be known to the organizers of the competition.
Write to the site manager the letter on
e-mail with the approximate text "Hello, I was just
registered on your site by the name I am known in the network "John Johnson".
My real name is Peter Jackson. Do not give this name to anybody and do
not publish it on the site please".
If you have already been registered on this site and you have forgotten
your entry data write to the site administrator, he will help you. You
don't need to make a new registration and duplicate your website page.
If you do this the second page will be removed and all the works will
be thrown over to the first page. It is forbidden to duplicate the author's
the Prizes
Competitions are held in PRIZE and NON-PRIZE categories.
The winner of the PRIZE category receives money or some other prize. The
prize is indicated on the main site page beside the category.
The winner of the NON-PRIZE category is not supposed to get a prize, but
the top ten works according to visitors voting are awarded distinctive
marks you can see on an author's page. Within 20 days
after the publication of the list of winners the winner is obliged
to contact the administration in order to receive a prize. If it won't
be done during this period the prize will go to the following or other
competition and will not be given out.
About bonuses from the site Administration
The site Administration can award a certain number of points
for works chosen in categories where the Administration is the main judge.
The work that has not got the main prize but is considered noteworthy
by the Administration will get 10 - 20 points. At a set of 100 points
the Author will be awarded with a valuable honorable mention prize - a
Swiss watch, a book or something else.
The information on the amount of points is placed on a special
Page of bonuses. It is updated by getting results of the
Who can participate in competitions
Anyone can participate in competitions. People who reached
the age of 18 for at the moment of taking a picture can take part in competitions
with an erotic orientation. You have to be registered before sending your
works to the competition.
Read about registration in "Registration rules"
Uploading photos to our competition the author automatically
agrees with the given Rules.
Registered as well as not registered callers (visitors)
can take part in voting.
Only registered users can write comments for the works.
Comments for the works are requested (welcomed.)
Winners of contests are chosen by VISITORS, JURY, the SPONSOR of a category,
some famous photographers or the site owners VOTING. The kind of refereeing
is indicated on the main site page beside the prize description and the
date of carrying out the competition.
Irrespective of the winner's choosers the results of the callers voting
awarding the distinctive marks to the top ten works are published.
If you want to vote you have to visit the competition site page, press
on the chosen photo and vote by putting marks from 5 points (the minimal
evaluation) up to 10 points (the maximal evaluation).
Note: If you want to see marks for your works there is no need
to vote for yourself, it is enough to visit your author's page, open the
photos and see the given marks. The voting for your own works is technically
possible, but all the repeated votes will be withdrawn at the end of the
competition during the voting check.
Photo specification
Please send us only YOUR OWN photos (those that you pictured
yourself) to our site - NO copies from the Internet, NO borrowings from
your friends, etc.
The following photos are not accepted to the competition (though they
can be placed on author's pages):
1) bad quality;
2) the size does not correspond to the
competition Rules ;
3) with a date in the corner of a photo;
4) with a very big size copyright and various big inscriptions; (If you
put a copyright on your photo, do it more decently and laconically. The
copyright's color should not to be too bright – the copyright aims to
declare an ownership, instead of advertising the author. We PERMIT to
put the link to the author's site as a copyright but ask you do it decently);
5) photos the Administrator considers inappropriate to the site politics.
Identical photos, also a little bit modified (for
example one frame is a color photograph, another is black and white and
also very similar photos) won't be accepted to the competition. That is:
one work will be accepted for participation in the contest, and the second
one will go to the author's page only.
To the Category Computer Art the works created only on
the basis of your photos are accepted.
We earnestly ask you not to send to our contest the photos of "household
garbage" and other "litter". We are not a trashcan, we hold a competition.
Such photos will either be withdrawn or will be put to an author's page.
They won't be accepted for participation in the competition.
Photos of pornographic trend, the propaganda of violence, insulting religious
feelings and so on - they all will be immediately withdrawn.
Please do not send the photos of dead animals or people, photos with blood
or blood imitation (two attractive models slaughter one another, one model
holds a knife at the throat of the other: or the cut off head of a deer
and so on), severe scenes from the wild nature (a beast tearing apart
his prey, etc.) All the examples are taken from our personal experience.
Attention! The works
sent to the competition remain on our site. Only the site Administrator
can remove them specifying the reasons for removal. We do not sell the
works and do not make a claim for copyrights, but any additional work
with your photos (as the removal, etc.) requires time we do not have enough.
Therefore the reasons for removal should be serious.
The removal of the first top ten works by the contest's results (they
are asterisked) requires even more time because everything is done manually
(that is we have to change manually all the remaining works in the top
ten). We have no time for it. This work is done by a hired webmaster that
has to be paid. If you are ready to pay you can delete your works from
the top ten daily. The price for removal of 1 work from the top ten is
1 euro plus postage.
You can delete works whenever you like and as much as you like from your
author's page, that concerns works declined from participation in the
competition, works in a waiting mode, works sent by pass the contest.
All the above mentioned concerns the works sent to the COMPETITION.
Categories of competitions
The photos of children go to the category CHILDREN.
We do not accept photos of nude children if their genitals are seen, because
such photos can be referred to a children's pornography. As the site is
in the American hosting we are obliged to observe the laws of this country.
All the photos with children put to other categories will be transferred
to the category CHILDREN. (This is done in order
to prevent the sending of favorite child's photos by loving parents to
tens of categories at a time). The rule is not ideal but it saves to us
a heap of time.
* Category MODELS accept not only models
age 18 and over. We accept all age category for this theme.
Only works with a name of the represented model and also
a full name and a surname of the author of a photo are accepted to the
category MODELS +. For lack of the information such work
will not be exposed in the contest. Besides the model on the photo has
to be more than 18 years old. If we suspect the model is younger than
18 the photo will not be exposed in the competition until we get documents
confirming the model's age.
Photos sent by models themselves can be exposed
only in the category MODELS +; they won't be accepted
to other categories.
Photos with a nude body without pornographic implied sense
(which is determined by the Administrator) are accepted into NUDE,
EROTIC GLAMOUR and other EROTIC categories.
The model on the photo has to be more than 18 years old. If we suspect
the model is younger than 18 years the photo won't be exposed in the competition
until we get documents confirming the model's age.
Photos of nude or half-nude women are accepted to the
category SUPER BEAUTY. (Look at our winners' photos in
this category). The model on the photo has to be more than 18 years old.
If we suspect the model is younger than 18 years the photo won't be exposed
to the competition until we get documents confirming the model's age.
The RULES for the Category "SUPER BEAUTY" from SuperBeauty.Org
are HERE.
Only glamour photos are accepted to the category GLAMOUR.
They have to be chic (a woman with glamour), rich (expensive) clothes
or the ornaments, expensive interior and other chic attributes of glamour.
The photo should be of a high quality. The photos depicting torn wall-paper,
dirty young ladies among house furniture on the background of the central
heating radiators and other "family life a la glamour" won't be exposed
in the given category.
Photos of nude women in nature are accepted to the category
WOMAN AND NATURE. The model on the photo has to be more
than 18 years old. If we suspect the model is younger than 18 years old
the photo won't be exposed in the competition until we get documents confirming
the model's age.
Photos of individuals or a group of people united by one
subject line are accepted to the category PORTRAIT and
GENRE. Do not send photos of nude women and men please.
Collages of two and more photos are accepted to the category
COMPUTER ART. The works completely created on a computer
without participation of pictures, are not accepted.
Photos with a name of a place of shooting, (the country,
city, district, etc.) are accepted to the category TRAVEL.
RULES for the Category "ALTERNATIVE
RULES for the Category
How to send works
&Send your works by means of the
System of automatic loading. Before that you should be
registered or enter our site under your login or the password. You can
also send a photo from your author's page having pressed the link "ADD
All the photos sent to the contest get to the WAITING
MODE (or MODE of EXPECTATION) (24 hours approximately) until the Administration
confirms their correspondence to the contest rules. If the photo is not
exposed in the contest after 24 hours and more please make certain you
sent it to the acting contest not the ended one. All the works sent upon
termination of the contest will wait for the beginning of the following
contest in the chosen category.
After being confirmed photos get to the author's personal page and to
the contest page.
Photos in the MODE of EXPECTATION are seen only by the Authors of these
works on the authors' pages who have entered the site under their logins.
Other visitors will see the works only after the photos are exposed in
the contest.
Authors have an opportunity to send photos only to their authors' pages
passing by the contest. You have to tick the column "Send this photo to
the author's page ONLY". If you want to expose these photos at the contest
in future you will have to choose a category and press the link over the
photo. After that your photo will get to the Administrator in the WAITING
MODE. If your work meets the requirements of the contest Rules it will
appear on a competition page after the first upgrading (updating).
If by the Administration opinion your photo cannot be allowed to participation
in the competition (owing to the bad quality of a photo, the small size
or to other reasons) it will all the same appear on your author's page,
but will not participate in the competition.
The sizes and technical requirements for works
After registration it is possible to transfer works to
competition using
automatic system of loading of photos and observing the
following requirements:
The linear dimensions of photos should not be beyond resolved. All the
information about this is in the Table of the sizes of photos.
The maximal size of the photo sent to the competition should not exceed
400 Kb - not less than 800px and no more than 1200px;
the exception is made with a category the PANORAMA - no more than
400 Kb.
In order to load a photo on a site without problems the following requirements
should be observed:
- the sizes both linear and volume;
- files with extension jpg, gif and jpeg;
- the name of a file (not to confuse to the name of the work) should not
contain punctuation marks, should neither be written in non-latin letters
nor be long. Such variants as 111.jpg; 412.gif; foto1.jpeg;, etc. are
- the format of a file should be converted instead of manually corrected.
It is important. Otherwise the file will not be read, the picture after
loading will not be visible.
After loading photos on a site we recommend to come to the author's page
to be convinced the loading has successfully taken place and the photos
are visible. Sometimes it happens at the Internet failure that the photo
has not been correctly loaded and it is not visible. In this case it is
better to remove the photo from a page and to reload it.
Amount of exposed photos
It is exposed no more than one work a day from each Author
in each category.
Many categories have limits in the amount of works exposed in the competition.
You can send as many works as you wish, but they will be exposed in the
competition according to the Rules and a limit for one competition. All
the photos sent to the competition above a limit will be transferred to
the long waiting mode prior to the beginning of the following competition
of the theme.
table on the amount of exposed photos by categories is here.
Photos participate in competition only once and in one CATEGORY only.
If the work has been exposed for the competition in one of the categories
it cannot be exposed repeatedly in the other category. See to it yourself.
You can be blocked for the repeated exposition of a photo for the following
competition. The administration reserves the right to remove the repeatedly
exposed photo directly from the competition without notice.
Explanatory notes: Supposing you have exposed a photo for the
May competition in the GLAMOUR category and
then in June you have again exposed the same photo for the same GLAMOUR
category or, for example, for the Portrait category.
Neither this nor the other is permitted!! The repeated exposure of the
same photos to competition (even in a year) can lead to blocking of the
participant. Mistakes are certainly possible but you can be mistaken one
or two times and no more, as it is done by the some people.
Color frames system We
have created a system of "color frames" around the photos for convenience
of Authors' work on author's pages. Right after the loading of a photo the
author can see his works on the author's page: whether the works have been
loaded, whether everything is all right with them, what mode they are in.
The green frame means the
work is in "a waiting mode", i.e. it waits the Administration's authorization
for participation in competitions.
The red frame - your picture
is rejected for participation in competition because it does not correspond
to the Rules of competition;
The yellow frame - this work
is sent above a limit of the current competition and will be exposed in
following one when it begins
The pink frame - the work
is not sent to the competition but only to author's page.
The frame is absent - the photo participates in competition.
It is necessary to note the frameworks are visible ONLY to the AUTHOR of
the PAGE if he enters the system UNDER his LOGIN. Terms
of competitions' summarizing In 20-60
days after the end of the competition we publish the names of winners on
the page
Our winners . Sometimes this term is delayed, it especially
concerns the competitions estimated by the Jury. We apologize in advance
and hope for understanding.
All the estimations are checked by the administration at the end of voting
and at summarizing voting. The administration reserves the right to delete
all the exaggerated points. Therefore don't be surprised if at the publication
of voting results the final amount of points will be another. All authors
are in equal conditions on our site. The author of the best works wins,
but not the person who has more than friends.
Keep in mind that if we inform you on the presence of big exaggeration of
points for your work it does not at all mean that we accuse you in exaggerating.
Unfortunately it is possible to put the exaggerated points for a work and
without the knowledge of the author. Therefore we do not apply any actions
to the author, but we delete the exaggerated points. For some years our
"no-exaggeration" experience has immensely grown therefore we request you
not to put the exaggerated points for works. So you will save both your
and our time.
By the way it is strictly forbidden to put links for your own works at any
forums with the request (or without it) to vote. (For more details look
the heading: "IT IS forbidden").
The winner should watch HIMSELF what place his (her) work has got at the
competition. If he (she) has won the first place in a prize-winning competition
- he (she) HIMSELF should address us having sent his data on
e-mail or
in his personal message to the Administration.
If the winner has not addressed us within 20 days AFTER the publication
of results - the prize WILL not be paid. You have exposed your work - please,
supervise what comes of it. We consider the participation in competition
means also an attention to its results. Photos
- winners Photos - winners are marked
by badges on author's pages:
- The winner of
a prize-winning competition
- The winner of
a prize-winning charitable competition
- The winner (the
first place) by the choice of visitors' voting
- This photo
is in the top ten by the choice of visitors' voting
- The winner
(the first place) by the choice of Jury (or other person - the sponsor,
the known photographer, the site owners, etc.)
All kinds of voting exaggerations are forbidden. It is forbidden
to send links for the exposed competition works asking your friends and
acquaintances to vote, to put links to the works at forums, in other sites
and so on.
Let's admit your friend without your knowing has put a link for your work
at his (her) site and 20-30 tens have been clicked on it. You are not to
blame for this, but the estimations of your work are all the same exaggerated
and will be removed.
It is also strictly forbidden to underestimate the marks of works of your
competitors. This kind of swindle especially irritates us. Your A.P. will
be undoubtedly blocked by us for such actions and you won't be able to vote
at all.
The rights of administration The site
administration can change a category of a photo if it is incorrectly specified
or mismatches the chosen category.
The administration has the right not to admit a photo for participation
in the competition for the reason of not corresponding to the given Rules:
a photo of bad quality, the small size or to other reasons. But the photo
will all the same appear on your author's page (in a red frame).
The manager has the right not to admit to the competition and to delete
the photos of pornographic sense, of the propagation of violence, offending
religious feelings, etc.
About copyrights
All the rights to the works sent for participation in competitions
remain for the authors. We do not sell, we do not change and we do not make
any actions at all with the contest works. The works are YOURS and only
Please read the rules more attentively if you take part in sponsor's competition
where the theme of copyrights is mentioned and some special demands are
made to a format of works. If the sponsor wishes to get a work of higher
resolution you simply do not receive a prize from him until you send the
sponsor the work meeting his (her) requirements.
Dear visitors and participants of our Photo competition! We try to check
the belonging of photos to the authors as far as possible. Though mistakes
are quite possible. If you suddenly notice a photo on our site which breaks
someone's rights (the rights of the model or the author) please inform the
manager of this site IMMEDIATELY. The photo will be immediately removed
from the competition for the reason of finding the circumstances.
For photo models
We give an opportunity to photo models to place the portfolio
for their future employers on our site.
For this purpose it is necessary to be registered and place the photos on
to the author's page. It is not obligatory to expose them for competition
.You can place them on the author's page only having put a "tick" at loading.
If you decide to take part in the competition you have to give a name of
the photographer. (Models can participate in competitions only in the category
Then send the manager on
e-mail the link to your page and the information about yourself
you would like to place on a site. All the data will be
published here . On
points at issue If you do not agree with
voting results, with disappeared "tens", etc, - contact us immediately.
br> Your letter or post in a forum should begin with the words: " I (your
name and a surname) do not agree with the voting results of my work. I confirm
that I did not vote for my works and did not ask my friends and acquaintances
to vote for them" (though, if you do not put extra points for your work,
but someone else has made it another without your knowing it, the voting
for your work is considered exaggerated all the same). You should send on
your phone number by which the Administration can contact you and solve
all the problems. The Administration does not answer anonymous inquiries.
If it will be proved at investigation that you have nevertheless broken
voting rules, it may result in removal of these works from the site, in
the removal of the Author from the participants of competition and the publication
of the information on this on the main page of our site.
The participants should understand that our competitions are held not for
the amount of friends and acquaintances, but for qualitative photos!
Exchange of links
There is an opportunity to add links to favorite resources
on an author's page. The rules of links addition are specified in the
same place.
It is possible and welcomed to place links of our site to other resources,
but the link should lead to the main page of our site, to the page of
a theme, or to an author's page. Direct links to pages with photos are
possible only after the end of competition in which they take part.
Links to author's pages are welcomed too. We even plan to hold a competition
on the most popular author's page soon.
Frequently asked questions (FAQ's):
I have sent a work to the competition three days ago, but it is still
not exposed. Why?
If the work is in "a waiting mode" (in the green framework) it means there
is a reason why it is not exposed.
* The work is sent to the category where the competition has already ended
and a new one has not yet begun.
* The competition has begun but the work is not exposed. It means that
many works have accumulated during the time the competition was not held.
The works are exposed in lots every day so that more of them could be
put on one page of view in a category. Other works wait for their turn.
Exhibiting begins from earlier sent works. All the sent works will be
exposed for competition.
It is impossible to send a work on a site. Why?
Check up whether all the file loading rules are observed:
- first of all the sizes - both linear and volume. The
linear sizes of photos should not be beyond resolved. The information
about it is in the Table of
the photo sizes.
The maximal size of the photo sent to the competition is no more
than 400 Kb - not less than 800px and no more than 1200px; exception
is made for the category PANORAMA - no more than 400 Kb.
- files with expansion jpg, gif and jpeg;
- the name of a file (do not confuse to the name of the work) should not
contain punctuation marks, should neither be written in non-latin letters
nor be long. Such variants - 111.jpg; 412.gif; foto1.jpeg etc are optimum
- it is important to convert the format of a file rather than correct
it manually, otherwise the file will not be readable and the pictures
after loading will not be visible.
More often the problems arise because of the name of a file (do not confuse
to the name of work) if it is written in non-latin letters with punctuation
marks and blanks such file will not be loaded. I advise you after loading
your file to come to the author's p age and to check up how the loading
has passed, whether the picture is visible.
3. THE
I have sent works to the competition but a part of them (or all) are rejected
and are in a red framework on my page. Why?
Check up whether the sent photos correspond to the Rules. Works sent in
the smaller linear size than the resolved minimum are more often rejected.
Remove your photos in this case and send them anew.